Megaconference V Pics
To celebrate grand spirit and results that
Megaconference achieved here is slightly different peek into the sessions
as seen by a keen observer of streams coming from Internet2 Commons and a big fan of Megaconference.
Hats, hats: If you ever attended or watched Megaconference you cannot miss great collection of hats and
props that Dr. Bob uses to introduce participants in the Roll Call and provide everyone
special greeting. I may not have captured
all of them, nevertheless the collection is very interesting, and I am sure you will enjoy in
it and love it: hats
Megaconference Digital Art Gallery: Depending on your connection, system used, time of the day or some other factor, the images
coming to your computer can be nice and clear, but they can also look like a work of digital
art... and quite a few of them looked to me this way yesterday (cable connection to Internet, Dec 10,
2003). Lets celebrate all artefacts that were created, in the first Gallery of
Megaconference-random-digital-art: Gallery
Megaconference Clip: 3 min clip-summary of the form and atmosphere on the day:
clip (18 MB, QuickTime file)
The Team: At the end, one has to take the hats off for such fantastic team that made sure we all do
get the chance to participate in such event year after year. People who made themselves
visible in Megaconference V (and I know there were many, many others that were not visible to us
observers) are here: team pics
CONGRATULATIONS once again and see you all next year!