Presentations and invited talks
Papers and articles
Guidelines and tutorials
- Sara Armstrong, Robert Sibley and Patrice Samara, "Privacy, Security and Identity in a
Networked, Data Driven, Education Enviornment", report of the 2003 EFL Education Policy Forum
document (260 KB): pdf
- Kathleen Fulton, Patrice Samara and Robert Sibley, "Exploring the Future of Learning 2002",
conference report (ThinkQuestLive Event)
document (324 KB): pdf
Presentations and invited talks
- Robert Sibley and Amela Sadagic, "Emerging Technologies as Enablers of Advanced Teaching and
Learning Practice", National Educational Computing Conference - NECC 2003, Seattle, WA,
July 2003.
presentation slides (2.3 MB): ppt
- Amela Sadagic, "Videoconferencing in K-12 Education: Moving it from a Promise to Successful
Future Practice", Megaconference IV, International H.323 tele-conference, December 2002.
presentation slides (1.1 MB): ppt
Amela Sadagic, "Why and How to use Videoconferencing Tools to Support Project Activities:
Case Study of Imagining the Future (ITF) Project", invited talk given at the TLI-TSC Distance
Education Solutions, Westchester Marriot, Tarrytown, NY, November 2002.
presentation slides (1.2 MB): ppt
- Amela Sadagic, "Imagining the Future, Student-Centered Exploration of Learning Applications
and Systems", National Educational Computing Conference - NECC 2002, San Antonio, TX, June 2002.
presentation slides (1.4 MB): ppt
- Amela Sadagic, "Videoconferencing as an Enabling Tool for Project Activities: a Case Study of
Imagining the Future Project", SURA/ViDe 4th Annual Digital Video Workshop, University of Alabama
at Birmingham, April, 2002.
- Ben Teitelbaum and Amela Sadagic, "Internet2 QoS and Video: Sharing Responsibility to Overcome
Congestion-Related Performance Problems", SURA/ViDe 4th Annual Digital Video Workshop, University
of Alabama at Birmingham, April 2002.
presentation slides (920 KB): pdf
- Amela Sadagic, "ThinkQuest: Students Projects with Global Reach", Megaconference III, International
H.323 tele-conference, October 2001.
presentation slides (316 KB): ppt
- Amela Sadagic, Herman Towles, Jaron Lanier, Henry Fuchs, Andries van Dam, Kostas Daniilidis,
Jane Mulligan, Loring Holden and Bob Zeleznik, "National Tele-Immersion Initiative: Towards
Compelling Tele-Immersive Collaborative Environments", Medicine Meets Virtual Reality conference,
Newport Beach, CA, January 2001.
presentation slides (1.6 MB): ppt
- Amela Sadagic, National Tele-Immersion Initiative: Visions and Challenges", invited seminar talk
given at the University College London, Department of Computer Science, London, UK, December 1999.
- Amela Sadagic, "National Tele-Immersion Initiative: Visions and Challenges", keynote speaker at
the Second Workshop on Virtual Reality in Sweden: Future Directions in Virtual Environments II,
Stockholm, Sweden, November 1999.
Papers and articles
- Herman Towles, Wei-Chao Chen, Ruigang Yang, Sang-Uok Kum, Henry Fuchs, Nikhil Kelshikar,
Jane Mulligan, Kostas Daniilidis, Loring Holden, Bob Zeleznik, Amela Sadagic and Jaron Lanier,
"3D Tele-Immersion Over Internet2", International Workshop on Immersive Telepresence (ITP2002),
Juan Les Pins, France, December 2002.
document (420 KB): pdf,
presentation slides (8.5 MB):
- Amela Sadagic, Herman Towles, Loring Holden, Kostas Daniilidis, Bob Zeleznik, "Tele-immersion Portal:
Towards an Ultimate Synthesis of Computer Graphics and Computer Vision Systems", 4th Annual
International Workshop on Presence, Philadelphia, USA, May 2001.
document (176 KB): pdf
- Mel Slater, Amela Sadagic, Martin Usoh, and Ralph Schroeder, "Small Group Behaviour in a
Virtual and Real Environment: A Comparative Study", Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments,
Vol. 9, No. 1, Feb. 2000.
document (76 KB): pdf
- Anthony Steed, Mel Slater, Amela Sadagic, Jolanda Tromp, and Adrian Bullock, "Leadership and
Collaboration in Virtual Environments", IEEE Virtual Reality, Houston, March 1999.
- Jolanda Tromp, Anthony Steed, Emmanuel Frecon, Adrian Bullock, Amela Sadagic, and Mel Slater,
"Small Group Behaviour in the COVEN Project", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications,
18(6), pp. 53-63., 1998.
- Mel Slater, Amela Sadagic, Martin Usoh, Ralph Schroeder, "Small Group Behaviour in a Virtual and
Real Environment: A Comparative Study", BT Workshop on Presence in Shared Virtual Environments,
London, June 1998.
document: html
Guidelines and tutorials
- Amela Sadagic, "How to organize and promote Megaconference among your colleagues", document
prepared for Megaconference list on issues related to organization and promotion of Megaconference
in academic environments, December 2003.
document: html
- Amela Sadagic, "Megaconference V Pics",
December 2003.
document: html